Evolution & Genomics

Research in evolution and genomics addresses the formation and maintenance of biological diversity. We study the evolutionary process at multiple levels – from the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie changes in specific traits to the forces that shape patterns of variation across genomes, populations and species. Traits of interest include morphology, physiology, behavior, and disease susceptibility. Processes of interest include selection, speciation, hybridization, admixture, coevolution, and gene by environment interactions. We apply theory, observation, field work, and the most recent advances in molecular and genomic techniques to answer questions across model systems ranging from microbes to insects and vertebrates.

Example of adaption


Process, genetic basis, and molecular mechanisms by which organisms respond to natural selection and adapt to their environment.

Example of complex trait evolution

Complex Trait Evolution

How genotype, environment and their interaction contribute to phenotypic variation (i.e. morphology, physiology, behavior and disease susceptibility) within and between species.

Example of speciation


Formation and maintenance of new species, including the roles of selection, gene flow, and hybridization.