Hart, S.P., M.M. Turcotte, and J.M. Levine. 2019. The effects of rapid evolution on species coexistence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116:2112-2117.
Levine, J.M., J. Bascompte, P.B. Adler, and S. Allesina. 2017. Beyond pairwise mechanisms of species coexistence in complex communities. Nature 546:56-64.
Williams, J.L., B.E Kendall, and J.M. Levine. 2016. Rapid evolution accelerates plant population spread in fragmented experimental landscapes. Science 353: 482-485.
Alexander, J.M., J.M. Diez, and J.M. Levine. 2015. Novel competitors shape species’ responses to climate change. Nature 525:515-518.
Kraft, N.J.B., O. Godoy, and J.M. Levine. 2015. Plant functional traits and the multidimensional nature of species coexistence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:797-802.
Jonathan Levine
J.N. Allison Professor of Environmental Studies; EEB Department Chair
Population, Community & Global Change Ecology
Office Phone
M28 Guyot Hall
Selected Publications